Why is Homeopathy said to be slow acting?
Homeopathy may be slow acting then steroids but not in case of all the ailments. Homeopathy acts quickly in all acute cases as fast as it would by any other stream of medicine especially when the disease is in initial stages. The chronic and old disease takes a long time depending on depth, duration and severity. Hence homeopathy has been labeled to be slower than other medicines. Homeopathy is faster in the treatment of conditions where modern system of medicine is unable to satisfy the patients. Homeopathy is a great alternative medicine for acute diseases. In fact, majorly patients consult a professional Homeopath for acute ailments. Moreover, the duration of treatment is likely to be prolonged if there is negligence on the part of the patient in controlling his/her diet and habits etc as advised by the doctor. The effect of homeopathic medicine is dependent on various factors like sensitivity of the diseased person, the nature of illness of the person, the pathology of the disease, various other treatment measures taken before resorting to homeopathy, etc.
Will Homeopathy aggravate (increase) the symptoms during treatment?
Patients with chronic diseases who have been taking non-homeopathic palliative treatments including steroids report long drawn aggravation due to the effect of withdrawal of the medicines. That is why it is always suggested to withdraw these medicines gradually after getting improvement from the ailment with homeopathic medicines. In chronic cases where there is long standing suppression of different symptoms, old symptoms tend to appear during the phase of recovery. A patient’s complaint sometimes may aggravate in certain rare conditions. In some cases there is an initial aggravation of the symptoms but it is a good sign that shows the medicine is right and has started acting. But this happens in a few cases and not all patients will have an aggravation; most of the patients have simple long lasting amelioration.
Homeopathy treats symptoms not Disease, is it true?
In Homeopathy the clinical diagnosis is not the basis for prescribing medicines but is instead based on the constitution and temperament of the individual patient. That is why even in case of two similar well diagnosed cases, the homeopathy medicine may not the same. Hence a Homeopath asks many and detailed questions to a patient.
Can the medicines be taken safely during pregnancy?
Homeopathy is a boon for common problems of pregnancy, such as lochia, puerperal problems, lactation, anxiety and fears, constipation, piles, morning sickness, back-ache, heartburn, indigestion, fatigue, etc. Because the medicines are safe, even infants and very small babies can be treated, for things such as failure to feed, indigestion dentition troubles and colic. It should be taken under the guidance of a qualified physician. If the treatment is planned in a proper way, the child will be much healthier and the medicines will help to fight the hereditary diseases which are carried from generation to generation. In fact if homeopathy is given during pregnancy, the delivery would be normal and easier. The child will be relatively healthier and emotionally well balanced, intellectually sound and physically stronger.
Can the medicines be taken safely given to neonates and pediatric age group?
Yes, they can be given safely to even to the youngest infant. And the child will have a stronger immunity so to eradicate the frequent recurrence and thus a substitute for vaccines
Could Homeopathy just be a placebo?
Remember that all medicines can behave as placebo. The experience of many homeopaths over the past 200 years is that we achieve much higher success rates than can be attributed to placebo along. Homeopathy has also been demonstrated to work on animals and as we are frequently asked to treat babies and small children. Thus we are convinced it is not just a placebo.
Do the Homeopaths give the same pills for all illnesses/patients?
The white pills which are dispensed from a homeopath are only neutral vehicles or carriers of actual medicines that is sprinkled on them. When the actual drug is poured on these white pills they get absorbed with the curative power of the drug. Different drugs are usually poured in various differing potencies as to best suit different patients.
Can the minute doses be effective to treat diseases in homeopathy?
Homeopathy works on quality not quantity. Homeopathic remedies are indeed very small doses. However, they are specially prepared doses which undergo a specific process — including dilution of ingredients (called potentization), as well as a vigorous shaking (succession). Specially formulated homeopathic remedies are thought to resonate with the body, triggering a positive healing response. This response gently, and effectively, heals from the inside out. The results from thousands of experienced homeopaths, and from millions of their patients, clearly show that these small, individualized doses produce profound health benefits.
Why should there be a gap before and after the medicine?
Homeopathic medicines get absorbed from the inner linings of the mouth by acting on nerves. Any substance leaves a coating in the oral cavity may hinder the absorption of the medicine. Therefore, it is advisable to have the medication on a clean and fresh mouth and not to drink or eat or smoke just before and after the medicine.
Are there any food restrictions during Homeopathic treatment?
It is not true that onion, garlic, tea, coffee, paan, alcohol, tobacco, perfumes etc. are prohibited under homeopathic treatment. The patient is only advised to avoid eating or drinking 15 minutes before or after taking homeopathic medication. But, the substances which may antidote the effects of a particular medicine should be stopped. Homeopathic medicines would act better in those patients who are non-addicts and when taken in clean mouth, without the influence of any strong smelling substance.
Can diabetics take Homeopathic pills which contain sugar?
Yes, they can take, as the amount of sugar in homeopathic medicines is negligible. The patient also has an option of taking the medicines in liquid form, or by inhalation. Besides this, homeopathic pills are composed of lactose that is not harmful even for diabetes.
Does Homeopathy allow Surgery?
Yes, it does. But one can avoid surgery in certain cases as homeopathy can effectively treat many surgical conditions like tonsillitis, piles, warts, kidney stones etc.
Does one have to stop other medicines which the patient has been taking?
No. Homeopathy is a complementary system of medicine and as such it can be used as an alternative treatment or where necessary it can work beautifully alongside orthodox medicine and can alleviate symptoms from pharmaceutical drugs. If a patient has shifted to Homeopathy in the middle of an Allopathic course, it is advisable not to discontinue it abruptly. It should be tapered gradually once the patient is improving but this should be done in consultation with the treating physician. In some cases where the other medicine cannot be discontinued, both the medicines have to be continued for the benefit of the patient. The treatment should be planned and properly implemented by the Physician. There can be slow tapering of medicines depending on the prognosis.
Does Homeopathic medicines have any side effects?
Homeopathic medicines have no side effects. The term ‘side affects’ of a medicine comes from allopathy though they have a primary area of action; they also affect other areas of the body. If these other effects are undesirable, they are known as adverse side effects. Homeopathic medicines are not employed against any particular system or organ of the body. Rather, the homeopathic remedy is chosen on the basis of the totality of symptoms of the patient and targets the patients as a whole. Side effects, such as tissue destruction, do not occur under homeopathy treatment. Homeopathy and Allopathic medicines do not interact with each other because Homeopathic remedies are non physical, electromagnetic memory of a material whereas; Allopathic remedies are dispensed as crude physical substances.